г. Домодедово,
1-я Коммунистическая, 31б
Пн. – пт.: с 8:00 до 20:00
Сб.: с 9:00 до 20:00
Вс.: с 9:00 до 18:00
г. Домодедово,
Каширское шоссе, 83
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Наши менеджеры свяжутся с Вами по указанному телефону в ближайшее время!


Anthogyr opinion leader 2012

During this 4th international meeting, 35 practitioners representing 17 nationalities gathered in the beautiful medieval town of Dubrovnik, Croatia, on May 24-25, 2012.

As in the previous years, the scientific program was chaired by Professor Jean-Pierre BERNARD, Chief of the Department of Stomatology, Oral Surgery and Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva (Switzerland).

These experts in dental implantology coming from Italy, Russia, Iran, Brazil and even Japan had the opportunity to share their scientific and clinical experiences in 4 specific areas :

Narrow implants
Post-extraction implant placement
Guided surgery
Influence of implant connection on biological environment

This international meeting was friendly and very fruitful. Different approaches to implantology were discussed, based on the most advanced Anthogyr implant systems (e.g. Axiom 2.8, Axiom PX). These exchanges were very enriching for the Anthogyr teams which are customer focused and for which the concept of surgeon-driven solutions is central to product development.

Anthogyr, more than ever... the global solution for dental implantology

На встрече Россию представляли доктора Жданов Е.В., Путь С.А., Бибнев А.Е.