г. Домодедово,
1-я Коммунистическая, 31б
Пн. – пт.: с 8:00 до 20:00
Сб.: с 9:00 до 20:00
Вс.: с 9:00 до 18:00
г. Домодедово,
Каширское шоссе, 83
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Third International anthogyr leader's meeting overview

Our clinic has been successfully inserting Anthogyr implants for 10 years. Since September 2009 we have been inserting Axiom implant in the design which has incorporated prospective innovative decisions. However, the practical clinical applications of Axiom implant advantages turned out to be complex. For one and a half year we have accumulated some experience, evaluated the advantages and found out some peculiarities which, in our view, can be addressed and improved.

The clinical material presented in the report can be useful in terms of decreased invasiveness of the surgical approach, shortened treatment time and improved esthetics of Axiom implant-supported prosthodontic restorations.