г. Домодедово,
1-я Коммунистическая, 31б
Пн. – пт.: с 8:00 до 20:00
Сб.: с 9:00 до 20:00
Вс.: с 9:00 до 18:00
г. Домодедово,
Каширское шоссе, 83
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Secure implant placement with Xive – even with systemic disease


The serious atrophy of the alveolar ridge is in itself a major challenge for the implantology team. If systemic diseases are also present, all the ability, experience and knowledge of materials of the medical team and the dental technician must be brought into play. Interdisciplinary cooperation is absolutely essential right from the start in complex clinical cases. All persons involved are in agreement on the goals of the therapy:

  • Manufacture of a functional and esthetic superstructure
  • Sustainable management and treatment of the systemic diseases to improve dental and general health
  • Development of optimum guidelines for dental follow-up

Restoration with implants is complex for patients with systemic diseases and in some cases unpleasant for the patient. Added to this is the fact that the complex oral rehabilitation is generally extended over a long period. The patient therefore – quite rightly – expects a predictable result if at all possible for the dentist. Over the previous three years in our practice we have compiled our experience with a total of 37 patients with extraorally harvested autogenous bone grafts for augmentation of the seriously atrophied alveolar ridge. The majority of patients suffered from various systemic diseases. All patients were between 46 and 60 years old. When the life expectancy and the restoration of quality of life are considered, invasive procedures must be considered appropriate and therapeutically suitable or necessary.

Evgeny Zhdanov, Yur y Tareev, Marina Yanovskaya, Alexey Khvatov, Ilya Korogodin

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